Lorna J Hines M.S.

Renowned Medium, Trance Healer, Intuitive Counselor & Teacher

Lorna J. Hines Upcoming Spring Events 2019

  • April 27. 2019 Trance Healing Introduction and Demonstration at Rock Collage, 364 Cedar Lane, Teaneck, New Jersey at 12pm. Contact lornajhines@gmail.com for additional information.

  • May 11, 2019 12:00 noon Mediumship and Intuitive Readings- Rock Collage, 364 Cedar Lane, Teaneck, New Jersey

  • May 18, 2019 Sparkhill Holistic Fair 11am-4pm Union Arts Center 2 Union Street, Sparkhill, NY

  • June 1, 2019 Rock Collage Individual Trance Healing by appointment only

  • June 9, 2019 Love Notes From Heaven, Demonstration of Mediumship Larch Avenue, Teaneck, New Jersey 7:00 to 9:00pm Vendors invited at 6pm. Contact lornajhines@gmail.com for tickets and information

Welcome Readers to Opportunities To Serve
The desire to help has been a keen and sincere part of my soul’s journey and has manifested throughout my life. I believe with all of my heart and soul, the opportunity to help others lies in direct synergy with our divine purpose. I am certain our eternal loving God wants us to help and guide our brethren as he/she helps and guides us. Helping others ultimately helps us to continue our eternal development and evolution on this plane.

Although my professional life has been devoted to helping others, I now have more choice in that opportunity. And so, while viewing a wonderful film entitled “Spirit Children”, I felt called by God to offer the children depicted in the film help. I know that you know films can change lives and indeed that was my experience. When I looked upon the beautiful faces of these children, some of who possessed disabilities and learned they had escaped death because of those disabilities I vowed to them as a citizen of the world I would help.

My journey began with collecting donations from wonderful people who shared my concerns and travelling to Ghana in July 2014. It was wonderful
opportunities to not only present the donations I collected, but to share with the children the love that is present for them far beyond their homeland.

I pray with God’s help and direction, that you will partake in the wonderment of this part of my life’s’ adventure and you too will find avenues to continue the journey of your souls’ continual evolution through helping others.

Love and Blessings,


Our Spirit Children

I have often talked about the struggles in life
In Poems, prose and narration,
The things that haunt
Challenge and plague us
Without hesitation

This may cause us to feel we have been struck with a knife
There are so many who challenge our minds, and thoughts saying

Hey-there is always opportunity with crisis
But some of these struggles we need the likes
Of Egyptian Princess Isis!

This particular poem
Was one of these struggles

I readily admit it put me
In a somewhat muddle

Not sure of going right or left
Up or down, in or out
In or out
My goodness what a struggle!

But somehow-someway I visualized the gentle swirls

And twirls of sacred incense
We often see

As it danced its’
Sacred dance like
Vapor from steaming tea

Seeking its’ divine destination
Settling somehow in me

I must share a secret of a small aspect of divinity was foretold
Many years before
By one of the sisters of the light
Who gently whispered

Our Blessed Mother has so much in store
You will be called Mother
By many children who you did not bore

These children are in need
Of your love, support, and so
Much more!

Most assuredly, their tremendous need
Will touch your soul’s core
And so when two gentle and creative hearts

Approached me with their dream
I felt I had no choice but to
Join in their extraordinary party of
Delicious ice cream
And so when I saw the multi-colored rainbow
Of laughing spirit children
With hearts and minds of gold

I recoiled in horror as I heard their stories
Of neglect, abuse, and many needs
All alone in the cold

And I thought of Our Blessed Mother ‘s voice
And was sure I must do what I am told

So my plan is to shower
Their beautiful spirits with love, food, clothing,
Shelter and education

As these things will surely help them
All towards their particular vocation

And as they grow, mature and succeed
I will certainly watch with glee
And respectfully beg you to join with me

Written by:

Lorna J Hines
April 29, 2014